
Thoughts of A First Time Mom

Last updated on August 25th, 2019 at 02:16 am

Rockin’ it since 2004, My husband and I have been together for a long time. And I am very proud to say that we’ve pass different “legal” steps in our relationship.

As college sweethearts, we graduated, found our jobs, then comes our wedding and now the pregnancy. No “teenage pregnancy” for us. We’re both very traditional that way and maybe because we never want to disappoint our family.

I’ll say its very comforting to have the “legal” feeling. That in every step of the way, in every happenings in our lives, people are happy for us.

Anyway, for my very first PREGNANCY post…

Three days after our wedding we headed to Davao City for our 1st honeymoon. And let me tell you that based on my calculations, all the time that I spent there, I am on my most fertile phase.

I have a very timely period of 28 day cycle and so when I missed my period comes February, I have somewhat a feeling that I am pregnant.

Here are the very first symptoms I noticed prior to missing my period:

  • Hungry most of the time
  • Achy, tender breast and nipples
  • Always tired and sleepy

I took my first pregnancy test 4 days after I missed my period and It was a BFP (big fat positive!) Honestly, I had mixed emotions.

Suprise because my husband and I discussed that If its meant to be It’ll happen for us and If not…

Because of a medical issue at such a young age, My parents was advised by the doctors that I should have a child at an early age to avoid fertility problems and increase chances of conceiving. But again, my parents – being traditional didn’t pursue.

And so, back to suprise… My husband is prepared with the situation of us being childless. Whenever someone ask him how many children we’d want he’ll always say: God’s will.

And I guess it really is His will because we got our honeymoon baby!!!

But then there’s this other feeling: Disappointed with myself because I felt that I still want to do many things career wise. I still want to travel and those things that “no child yet” woman do and dream of.

But in general: Very happy, thankful and blessed because well, the baby may be life changing and all but this is what makes us a Family.

See more of my related posts here:

There goes my random thoughts as I enter the world of pregnancy, I am still very new to this so bear wih me if you will.

And soooo, the pregnancy journey began! Let me share something motherly to you on my next posts…

New Mrs. And Expecting,

5 Responses

  1. Belated Congratulations Mommy. Thank you for sharing this to us.♥️

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Thoughts of A First Time Mom

by MomNessly time to read: 2 min